Onur Ucar portrait

Hello, I'm Onur.

Software Engineer.

About me

After graduating from Purdue University with a degree in Computer Science and a minor in Mathematics, I dived into the realm of professional software development. My journey into the world of software development began at the age of 15, sparked by a profound interest in problem-solving with the C language. From those early beginnings, my passion for coding only grew stronger, eventually leading me to pursue a degree in Computer Science, leading me to master technologies such as C# (.NET), React, Vue, TypeScript, Next.js, and many more! I am committed to continuous learning and am eager to explore emerging technologies in the software industry.

Outside of coding, I embrace a diverse range of interests and activities. Originating from Turkiye, I have a deep appreciation for nature and enjoy kayaking in serene waters. I am also passionate about 3D printing and photography, using these mediums to express creativity and capture memorable moments. In my pursuit of knowledge, I delve into subjects such as history and philosophy, constantly seeking to broaden my understanding of the world. Additionally, I enjoy playing analog synthesizers and drums! Among the various comforting activities I enjoy, spending quality time with my cat also brings me a sense of peace and comfort that I cherish.


Feel free to tap on the project images for a closer look!

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Embark on seamless React journeys with Lentil-JSX. Driven by ESBuild, it ensures efficient transpiling and bundling. Supporting both TypeScript and JavaScript, it enhances productivity with caching, concurrent usage, and npm integration, all contributing to a dependable development experience.
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Doom-like Retro FPS
Experience a throwback to the old days with a fast-paced, Doom-like shooter, delivering pixelated 3D action powered by Godot.
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SVC Auctions
A microservices-based application that leverages RabbitMQ and MassTransit for seamless communication. Powered by Next.js and .NET, it delivers real-time bidding and event-driven architecture for dynamic and immersive auction experiences.
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Sorting Algorithm Visualizer
Embark on a captivating journey through sorting algorithms with this immersive React-based visualizer. Experience the magic of various sorting techniques as you interactively explore their mechanics and efficiency. You can find the live deployment link in the project details on GitHub.
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React Color Palettes
Effortlessly explore, create, and integrate color palettes using interactive tools and robust validation mechanics.
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WatchOS Color Explorer
A WatchOS 10.2 app written in Swift, crafted for expanding skills and venturing into new territories of app development.
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React Activities - An Activity Explorer
A modern, secure platform for hosting and participating in various activities. With real-time communication, clean architecture, and robust authentication, it offers a seamless experience for users organizing or joining events.
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WatchOS Notes
The Notes App for Apple Watch, written in Swift for WatchOS 10.2, offers effortless note-taking with storage, diverse input methods, and charming animations for an enjoyable user experience.
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437 Platformer
Challenging levels, diverse animations, and intuitive gameplay mechanics.
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Effortlessly create Markdown files for project documentation or your GitHub personal page by dragging and dropping pre-made components, or customize them to fit your requirements! You can find the live deployment link in the project details within the GitHub repository.

My skills

My experience

  1. Software DeveloperBastian Solutions

    - Applied software design patterns and industry best practices to develop a maintainable, high-quality codebase.

    - Developed and maintained web and desktop applications using C#, .NET, NHibernate, and SQL.

    - Developed dynamic user interfaces with Vue.js and led Rush-based monorepo projects, integrating custom Vue components via storybooks and enhancing scalability with TypeScript.

    - Created and maintained deployment pipelines using Microsoft Azure and Azure Devops.

    - Provided on-site customer support during end-to-end and system integration testing to ensure smooth go-live process.

    - Addressed support tickets promptly to ensure timely resolutions for customers, while also collaborating closely with the application support, release engineering, and QA teams post-launch.

  2. Co-op Software EngineerNavient

    - Led the development of Vue.js web applications, prioritizing the creation of reusable UI components and mobile-first design principles. Implemented Vuex to streamline data management processes, ensuring efficient application performance.

    - Utilized Dapper as an ORM within backend services and APIs developed using C#, .NET, and SQL to optimize data retrieval and manipulation for enhanced application efficiency.

    - Facilitated code reviews and merge requests, ensuring codebase integrity and collaboration.

    - Optimized programming procedures with object-oriented principles, enhancing software development efficiency.

  3. Teaching AssistantPurdue University

    - Used advanced development tools including Git, Vim, Valgrind, and GDB to meticulously identify and rectify diverse software bugs and inefficiencies, with a keen focus on resolving memory leaks and enhancing overall system performance.

    - Assessed and graded a multitude of projects authored in C, C++, and Java, delivering comprehensive feedback and guidance to over 60 students, fostering their growth and proficiency in programming concepts.

    - Provided assistance to students through personalized debugging sessions and elucidated complex computer science topics such as object-oriented programming, data structures and algorithms, as well as software design principles.

    - Facilitated effective communication channels between course instructors, fellow peer leaders, and students to ensure seamless collaboration and support, contributing to the overall success and satisfaction of students.

  4. Undergraduate Research AssosiatePurdue University

    - Leveraged quantitative analysis tools such as Python, R, SPSS, SAS, and Excel to conduct comprehensive data analysis for diverse university-wide assessment projects, encompassing surveys and research initiatives.

    - Translated complex data sets into insightful and actionable insights, crafting accurate and professional reports to aid in strategic decision-making processes.

    - Performed qualitative analysis on initiatives spearheaded by the Division of Undergraduate Education and other academic units, utilizing advanced NVivo software to uncover valuable qualitative insights and trends.

    - Ensured the precision and integrity of quantitative reports developed by colleagues, meticulously verifying numerical data and providing standard proofreading services for grammar, punctuation, and formatting to maintain high-quality deliverables.

  5. Purdue UniversityComputer Science BS, Mathematics Minor

    - Consistently achieved multiple High Honors recognitions throughout my academic journey, reflecting a commitment to excellence and a strong work ethic.

    - Served as a Teaching Assistant for several pivotal courses including Computing I, Computing II, College Algebra, and College Trigonometry, demonstrating leadership and expertise in guiding fellow students towards academic success.

    - Played an active role in fostering a vibrant academic community as an engaged member of the Computer Science Club at IUPUI, participating in various events, workshops, and initiatives to further my knowledge and contribute to the collective learning experience.

It's easy when you find the right person.

"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do."

I know the chemistry

You know the business

Contact me

Please contact me directly at hello@ucaronur.com or through this form.